About us
Founded in 1946, the CNA – the Italian Confederation of Craft Trades and Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises – has over 621,000 members who employ over 1.2 million people. The CNA represents artisans, business owners, professionals, the self-employed and small and micro businesses in the tourism, services and industrial sectors. The broad reach of the crafts industry, in both major cities and small municipalities, is reflected by the CNA’s widespread presence: over 8500 workers at its 1100+ sites, 19 of which regional and 96 local.
A presence that guarantees services, consultancy and information with credibility and professionalism, fully aware of the active role it plays in the success of small businesses and the development of a segment which continues to create jobs and new businesses on its own. The CNA comprises 10 national unions: CNA Food, CNA Artistic and Traditional trades, CNA Wellbeing and Health, CNA Communication and Advanced Services, CNA Construction, CNA Federmoda (Fashion), CNA FITA (Transport), CNA Installation and Systems, CNA Production, CNA Community Services. There are 45 subcategories and 5 interest groups: CNA Youth Enterprise, CNA Women’s Enterprise, CNA Tourism and Trade, CNA Industry, CNA Film and Audiovisual. In addition there is also CNA Professions, CNA Citizens and CNA Brussels.



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CNA represents and protects the interests of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the manufacturing, construction, services, transport, trade and tourism sectors, small and medium-sized industries, and in general the world of businesses and relative associated forms, with particular reference to the crafts sector; of artisans, self-employed, different types of professionals, male and female entrepreneurs, and of those who have retired.
The CNA works to raise the profile of the craft industry and small and medium-sized businesses, proposing itself as a partner for their development and promoting economic and social progress. This goal is pursued through a structured and widespread organisation, a system of companies that offers integrated services and personalised consultancy to businesses, a modern structure that provides its members with assistance, information and innovative solutions.
The CNA was the first crafts organisation to sign agreements with the workers’ unions (1946). Together with the workers’ trade unions, the Confederation draws up 17 National Collective Labour Agreements (Textiles – Clothing – Footwear, Goldsmiths – Silversmiths – Watchmakers, Dental Technology, Ceramics, Construction, Hair and Beauty, Communications, Engineering and Systems Installation, Food and Breadmaking, Wood and Furnishings, Marble and Stone, Cleaning – Dyeing and Washing, Eyewear, Chemicals – Rubber – Plastic and Glass, Logistics – Goods transport and shipping, Cleaning Services, Agents and Representatives) which affect around 2 million employed workers; these are joined by numerous regional collective labour agreements. The CNA was also one of the social partners to sign the Protocol of 23 July 1993, the ‘Pact for Italy’ signed on 5 July 2002 and the recent framework agreement for the reform of contractual structures of 22 January 2009.
CNA system organisations and companies:
- Epasa (advisory service), provides information, assistance and consultancy in the area of social security, pension planning, employment, job market, pension savings, family rights and succession. Thanks to this broad range of expertise and the professional skills of 466 specialist operators, in 2008 the CNA had around 1 million contacts in the 270 offices present across Italy and accredited for these activities at the Italian Ministry of Employment, Health and Social Policies;
- Fondazione Ecipa (Confederation Institution of Professional Training for the Crafts Industry and Small Businesses);
- CAF CNA s.r.l.;
- Sixtema Spa;
- Impresa Sensibile, which involves businesses in initiatives and activities aimed at promoting their inclusiveness and social commitments;
- CNA Interpreta s.r.l. – Acquired by Sixtema Spa on 1.1.2015
Together with Confcommercio, Confesercenti, Casartigiani and Confartigianato, the CNA is one of the promoters of R.ETE. Imprese Italia, the new singular representative body of the world of Crafts, Trade and Small Businesses. The main goal of R.ETE. Imprese Italia is to bring to bear the joint strength of the alliance of the five biggest Crafts, Trade, Services and Tourism organisations, representing over 2.3 million businesses, 14.5 million workers and 95% of the national production fabric, in the political and institutional environment.
R.E TE. Imprese Italia unites the aforementioned organisations under a single logo and Foundation. Chairman of the latter, which acts as a planning office and laboratory for analysis, research and reflection, is Giuseppe De Rita, Chairman of Censis (Social Investment Study Centre).
With 234 representatives the CNA is the association with the greatest presence in the key offices of the Italian Chambers of Commerce.
CNA services are supplied through 30 Provincial CAF (registered tax assistance centres) and 70 service companies.
Credit. For over 50 years the CNA has been one of the leading associations in the creation, growth and development of the credit guarantee consortia and cooperatives, essential for guaranteeing businesses the best possible conditions when accessing credit and, more generally, relations between banks and businesses. The CNA is also one of the promoters of Fedart, the Italian coordination structure with 228 Craft and Small Business Confidi (credit guarantee consortia) members. Over 715,000 businesses are associated with the Confidi.
At national level the CNA represents the craft industry in numerous associations, bodies and institutions, including: CNEL (National Council for Economics and Labour), ICE (National Institute for Foreign Trade), INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work), INPS (National Social Security Institute), Artigiancassa (credit institute for craft industry businesses), the National Register of Constructors, the National Register of Hauliers; it also forms part of committees and government ministry working groups. The CNA is also a founding member of: Fondartigianato (Inter-professional fund for continuous training), SANARTI (Supplementary Healthcare Fund For Craft Workers), EBNA (Bilateral national crafts association), Artifond (Supplementary pension fund for employees of the crafts sector) and Prevedi (Supplementary Pension Fund for Employees of Industrial and Artisan Businesses in Construction and Similar Sectors).